Welcome to Preferred Management Services!

Delivery of affordable serviced land enabling an environment for reasonable cost housing development in Namibia

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About PIPF Trust

PIPF Trust Governance Structure

PIPF Operational Structure

PIPF Investment Objectives

PIPF Current Projects

PIPF Completed Projects

About PMS

Preferred Management Services has a strong track record in the area of infrastructure and property development, as well as project management in general.

Preferred Management Services recently received an N$250 million mandate from the Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF). This was done in the context of a change in the GIPF’s investment guidelines aimed at playing a more proactive role in economic development in Namibia.


To be the preferred property development service provider in Namibia


To enhance the living standards of Namibia by facilitating the procurement of property and the provision of efficient and effective services to investors


PMS subscribe to the following values:
  • We earn investor trust driven by integrity and transparency; we have nothing to hide and are open to criticism
  • We ascribe to good governance practices, quality and exemplary leadership
  • We support accountability by taking responsibility for our action
  • We promote efficiency and effectiveness to ensure that our customers and investors get the best value for their money

Preferred Management Service Directors

Board of Directors

Back (from left to right):
Mr M.Cioccolanti | Mr J. Nghifindaka | Mr J.Hill
Front (from left to right): Mr H. Theodore | Ms L Shipena | Mr F. Tait | Mr M.Ngapure


Osona Village a shining light for housing in Namibia19 Nov 2014

Preferred Management Services - Osona Village a shining light for housing in Namibia
Ground was broken today on a new housing development on the outskirts of Okahandja by the Preferred Investment Property Fund (PIPF). The Osona Village Development is a project funded by the PIPF, the company that manages an investment of N$ 250 million made by the GIPF to Preferred Management Services...
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